Stop indiscriminate disposal of plastic, food & e-waste.


Starting with picking up trash on our personal initiatives, we are moving towards spreading the ideology and discipline among the society to reduce, recycle, upcycle, and dispose responsibly. The advancement of technology and ease of communication has only accelerated how fast we can reach out to the rest of Malaysia through campaigns and collaborative efforts.

We target to widen our coverage and intensity of activities with bigger volunteer workforce and collaboration with local municipal and governing bodies. This platform will continue to develop coherence to fill in the gap between the waste management chain, ultimately helping to protect the environment and decrease the total amount of waste ending up in the sea, and then, our food chain


Exciting things are happening in Malaysia. In such a short time, The Lost Food Project (TLFP) has grown from a handful of volunteers collecting boxes of surplus groceries to an established operation, providing thousands upon thousands of vulnerable persons with nutritious food and addressing needless waste in the food industry.

The idea to rescue “lost food” in Malaysia came about in 2015. So many supermarkets and manufacturers were needlessly sending good food to landfill; meanwhile charities were spending what little they had to buy food or seek sponsorship for food to feed the vulnerable. The opportunity was there to make a big impact: in February 2016, TLFP signed the first surplus food donation supermarket contract with GIANT.

Now is a unique opportunity to bring about change within Malaysia and address the devastating environmental consequences of food overproduction and waste.


Future Sustainability Society (FSS) is an independent organization that acts to protect mankind and nature alike through changing existing behaviour and methods towards a more viable coexistence of all species. Launched in August 2019, FSS is carving it’s path towards establishing a presence among nature lovers and both governmental and non-governmental bodies through activities relating to reforestation, rehabilitation and conservation.

In order to address the alarming urgency in lack of sustainability in the ecosystem and to educate the society on the issue, we are actively approaching all related parties including the government, agencies and the public to come together in achieving a mutually beneficial strategy and workaround.